Requests Copies of Required COVID-19 Testing Plans


Santa Ana, CA, June 16, 2020 – Today, Community Legal Aid SoCal (CLA SoCal) called upon the County of Orange to release the COVID-19 testing plans required to be submitted by operators of skilled nursing facilities (SNF).

CLA SoCal made the announcement in response to the State of California issuing All Facilities Letter 20-53 which details specific protections that facilities need to take to protect their residents. This includes providing baseline, surveillance, and response-driven testing of SNF residents and health care personnel to prevent spread of infection in the facility.

“Every day Community Legal Aid SoCal’s legal advocates hear of the suffering and death in nursing homes and assisted living facilities because of COVID-19. Action is desperately needed to protect the people who live in these facilities in Orange County,” notes Kate Marr, CLA SoCal Executive Director. “We believe it is critical to ensure that these facilities are complying with State requirements and taking steps to protect these residents. It is a matter of life and death.”

The State is requiring that SNFs submit COVID-19 testing plans to the county department overseeing licensing. The Orange County Licensing Certification District office is responsible for Orange County facilities.

CLA SoCal is dedicated to meeting the civil legal needs of low-income people throughout Orange and Southeast Los Angeles Counties. CLA SoCal can help with legal issues related to immigration, family law, access to healthcare, public benefits including unemployment, tax, and housing. CLA SoCal houses the Health Consumer Action Center for all of Orange County, and also focuses on the legal needs of elderly residents.
