By Griselda Sierra, Supervising Case Manager
Lydia (fictitious name) is a survivor of domestic violence (DV) and mother of a minor child. She called the Community Legal Aid SoCal’s (CLA SoCal) hotline to request representation at her upcoming restraining order hearing.
The CLA SoCal Intake and Assessment Unit provided her with advice and counsel and scheduled an appointment with a Family Law Unit attorney. During the time leading up to her court appearance, Lydia experienced severe financial distress as she had no income. She’d moved out of her home due to the abuse and was staying at a hotel with her child.
Recognizing Lydia’s compounded issues, her attorney Betty Serrate reached out to us, the Case Management Unit, for additional support. We began working with her that day, helping her to find a place to stay as her hotel voucher was ending.
We conducted a full assessment of Lydia’s needs and began placing calls to numerous shelters and DV agencies for support. She was provided with funds for an Uber to return to her hotel since she had no money left to pay for any form of transportation. Through our efforts, Lydia was admitted into a domestic violence shelter.
We accompanied her to her court hearing and provided her with emotional support. At the hearing she was granted a three-year restraining order and shortly thereafter was transferred to a new shelter. We helped her to apply to a Section 8 program and while the shelter assisted her with applying to additional transitional housing and California Victim Compensation Board, our team located other transitional housing opportunities.
Lydia continues to have many legal concerns, including the criminal case against her abuser and victims’ restitution, child support, and a possible parentage case. However, she is on a path of healing and gaining greater stability. Her attorney continues to provide her with legal assistance, and we continue to provide the assistance she needs to stabilize her housing and ensure her wellbeing and safety.