CLA SoCal March Board Meeting Notice
Board Meeting Agenda – March 25, 2024 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. on Zoom Call Meeting to Order (Board President, Lauren Grochow) Mission Moment (CLA SoCal Staff Member) CLA SoCal Strategic [Continue Reading]
Working Towards a Favorable Decision
When Teresa (fictitious name) came to Community Legal Aid SoCal in August of 2022, she was a 55-year-old immigrant from Mexico whose education ended at 4th grade. She was recently [Continue Reading]
Making a Positive Impact for a Veteran Facing Eviction
Housing Unit client Alan Jackson (center) surrounded by Housing Unit staff attorneys Efrain Partida and Sunny Park (left) and Housing Unit staff paralegal Pafracio Vallente (right) From the [Continue Reading]
Clearing the Credit Record of a Senior Targeted for a Scam
Darleen McClintock (fictitious name) is a senior citizen who survives on her retirement savings under strict budget constraints. She is careful to live within her limited resources, watching free TV [Continue Reading]
CLA SoCal January 2024 Board Meeting Notice
Meeting Agenda – January 22, 2024, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm 1. Mission Moment: Alexis Salinas, Housing Unit 2. Consent Agenda Board Meeting Minutes, November 27, 2023, - pg. 2, [Continue Reading]
CLA SoCal November 2023 Board Meeting Notice
Meeting Agenda - November 27, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm WELCOME 1. Call meeting to order by Lauren Grochow 2. Consent Agenda Vote to Approve Minutes: Meeting Minutes July, [Continue Reading]
Records Expungement Helped Me to Change My Life
By Gavin Montague, former client From 2009-2015, I was arrested and convicted of more than six cases, including possession of drugs, drug paraphernalia, and even sales of drugs. I was [Continue Reading]
Building a Sense of Mission, Teamwork, and Camaraderie While Working Remotely
Among the challenges of remote or hybrid work is engendering a sense of mission, shared purpose, teamwork, and camaraderie among staff. This effort is particularly important in a legal aid setting, where the motivations for and rewards of work are not remuneration but a sense of a shared mission and accomplishment. Continue Reading Building a Sense of Mission, Teamwork, and Camaraderie While Working Remotely
Defending a Victim of ID Theft and Fraud
By Andrew Deeley, Supervising Attorney, Consumer Defense Unit Approximately 11 years ago our client Becky (fictitious name) was a victim domestic violence. Her former boyfriend, Sam (fictitious name), was verbally abusive, [Continue Reading]
From the Family Law Unit Case Files…
The client, Linda Lopez (fictitious name), is a monolingual Spanish speaker who did everything she could to do right by her five minor children. Deciding that she and her children [Continue Reading]
Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence, four vignettes of successful advocacy
By Roxanne Hernandez, Staff Attorney, Family Law Unit In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month... #1 My client Gustavo (fictitious name) had enough of the physical abuse perpetrated by his [Continue Reading]
Citizenship for Disabled Former Foster Care Youth
By Sarah Yanez, Senior Attorney, Immigration Unit Our client, Roberta (fictitious name), is a disabled former foster care youth. She needed our assistance with her naturalization application. Her case was [Continue Reading]