
Avoiding Eviction

October 8, 2021|

A success story from the Housing Unit Steve and June (fictitious names) were living in their apartment for over a year with no problems until this past March when their [Continue Reading]

Conozca Sus Derechos!

September 10, 2021|

Conozca sus derechos sobre viviendas y otras asistencias, incluyendo beneficios publicos. 23 Septiembre, 4 pm. Gratis para asistir. Venga a escuchar sobre los procesos y leyes actuales de desalojo en [Continue Reading]

  • Graphic with quote from attorney Betty Serrate about consumer debt case and a log. Graphic is boxed, outline in yellow (vertical) and blue bars (horizontal).

Settling Debt

August 27, 2021|

A story of consumer defense during the pandemic By Betty Serrate, Staff Attorney The year 2020 started reasonably well for my client, Agapito Santos (fictious name). At 69, he was [Continue Reading]